Possibilities of Military Applications for Fiber-Reinforced Composites Used in Additive Manufacturing

Keywords: additive, 3D printing, military, manufacture technology, fiber reinforcement


Every rapidly advancing technology deserves special attention in the field of military applications, especially if it has already proven itself in everyday use. Additive manufacturing is such a technology, with its applications now available even for households. However, special materials like fiber-reinforced polymers deserve particular attention. In our paper, we analysed defence usecases, considering the specific military requirements. We have successfully identified and organized the application possibilities of these materials adapted to military conditions.

Author Biographies

Norbert Daruka, PhD,– Civil engineer

PhD – Explosives industrial engineer

Kálmán Dénes, Építőmérnök

PhD,– Civil engineer


István Ember, University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and OfficerTraining, Department of Operations and Support

Associate professor

Zoltán Kovács, University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and OfficerTraining, Department of Operations and Support

Associate professor

Róbert Vég, University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Science and OfficerTraining, Department of Military Technology

tanszék PhD –, Associate professor


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Military Engineering