Training and Simulation. Some Further Development Opportunities of the MARCUS Constructive Simulation System

  • Attila Zsitnyányi National University of Public Service, Faculty of Military Sciences and Officer Training Doctoral of Military Engineering
Keywords: MARCUS, EUROSIM, Constructive simulation (CAX), virtual simulation, NATO interoperability, Military-, law enforcement-, disaster management simulators, KRONOS, Zrínyi National Defense and Force Development Program


In the last decade, the use of simulation tools has become dominant in modern training for all defence forces in the world. With the appearance of new equipment to be procured within the framework of the Zrínyi National Defense and Force Development Program, it is necessary to review the operational / tactical requirements of the simulation capabilities available at the Hungarian Defence Forces. In the field of constructive and virtual simulation training solutions, Hungary has significant national capabilities. The new tasks are also new opportunities for the domestic defense industry. The present study summarizes the requirements expressed by users, as well as the development plans about the hungarian MARCUS constructive simulation system.

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