NATO summit in Washington: celebratory meeting, everyday tasks

Keywords: Washington, Ukraine, defence expenditure, burden sharing, Russian Federation, Asia-Pacific Partners, China



The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the strongest and most successful alliance inhistory, celebrated the 75th anniversary of its founding in Washington. Several importantissues were addressed at the Washington Summit among them the most important issue wasthe continued and predictable political, military, financial, economic, and humanitarianassistance to Ukraine. The implementation of the Defence Investment Pledge was reaffirmedat the Washington Summit. More than two-thirds of member countries have met thecommitment to spend at least 2% of GDP on defence annually. NATO’s relationship with the Russian Federation remains unchanged and represents the most significant andimmediate threat to the Alliance. China constitutes a systemic challenge to Alliance interests,security, and values. The deepening Sino-Russian strategic partnership and Chinese supportfor the Russian Federation through covert technology transfer are of concern. Theanniversaries of NATO’s partnership initiatives were almost entirely overshadowed whilethe Partnership for Peace and the Mediterranean Dialogue initiatives celebrated their 30thanniversary, and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative its 20th anniversary. A new era beginsfor the Alliance, with a new Secretary General at the forefront.


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Security policy