European Union Diplomacy on Artificial Intelligence
This paper examines the process through which the existing EU-level cyber-diplomacygradually is branching out to artificial intelligence (AI)-diplomacy. This research focuses onthe presentation of the new AI regulation of the EU. Through an analysis of this process it isalso reasoned that more attention needs to be paid to cyber- and AI-diplomacy if the discourseon the EU digital sovereignty is to be analysed. As tensions among the public stakeholdersand superpowers are increasingly frequent, the need for continuing international talks andfor making agreements is growing. Currently, the EU has taken an active role to have an impact on global governanceconcerning not only cyber security, but also the issue of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile,artificial intelligence diplomacy is evolving, partly independently of, and partly in parallelwith cyber diplomacy. At the EU-level, the issue of strategic autonomy and Europeansovereignty gained momentum following the worsening security environment in the Europeanneighbourhood. Nowadays, these concepts are often used as synonyms, or with broadermeaning, as referring not only to defence, but also to economic developments, energy security,digitalisation and technological advancement. Digital sovereignty cannot be established withoutcapacity to act on, and regulate areas related to artificial intelligence.
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