Death of General Sulaimani

Part 1.

Keywords: drone attack, Qudsz forces, substitute wars, terrorism


The assassination of Major-General Qasem Sulaimani, commander of the Quds forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps by an American drone attack on January 3 2020 marks a milestone in US-Iran relations, and may have a game changer effect on the stage of international politics. Although it is not a standard feature of international relations, but it can be justified. Iran’s national security strategy emerged after lessons concluded from the war with Iraq (1980-1988) in which the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, especially its Quds (Jerusalem) forces play a special role, whose fame is characterized by General Sulaimani’s activity. The slain general has elaborated the very special strategy, which is based on the combined use of military and political power. The former is characterized by asymmetric and hybrid warfare and the global network of proxy forces and proxy wars. Since its formation the Islamic Republic of Iran has been organizing and carrying out terrorist acts and supports terrorist organizations on a global scale. As long as these were without consequences, it could do them. Now it faces the consequences of its actions. Despite sharp rhetorics, so far the great retaliation has not taken place, and the number of terrorist acts has fallen significally worldwide. In terms of international political consequences, the deepening crisis with Iran could intesify global and regional power rivalries. The Islamic State can advance again. The key to the escalation or de-escalation of the crisis is the region of the Persian Gulf.

Security policy