The activity of the National Officers' Casino in 1930

  • Ferenc Papp
Keywords: casino, culture, officers' casino, economic crisis, civilization, military casino


The efforts started at the beginning of the 1920’s made for the development and reorganization of the Hungarian Armed Forces became relatively fruitful only at the end of the decade. Beyond various reasons the dilatory success of the development programme can be sought within the ability of economic accomplishment and the financial situation of Hungary. Although the number of the armed forces increased in parallel with the relative modernization, the moral and patriotic education of the troops, the emphasizing of the psychological factors could not replace the thorough training and the lack of modern
equipment. That controversial period of time seemed to lighten in some extent only in the years of 1930’s. That fluctuation which characterized the armed forces can be realized in the activity of the background institutes like the Officers’ Casino. The year of 1929 meant a kind of recovery not only in the economic life but also in the field of the cultural possibilities available for the officers’ staff. In the realization of that progress we cannot pass by the fact that defence minister Gyula Gömbös paid remarkable attention to the ideological preparation and winning of the officers’ staff, mostly the general staff officers. The Officers’ Casino served as one of the spots of that activity. On the path of the economic crises a new situation emerged whose effects could be realized till the mid 1930’s, making the progress of the casino significantly slower.

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