Speciális műszaki technikai eszközök és felszerelések alkalmazási lehetőségei a katasztrófavédelemben
Besides the national level management, effective defence against disasters becomes nowadays more and more widely meant international cooperation with different international organizations. Regional cooperation in the field of management of the effects of disasters is becoming more valuable and is also progressing. Besides cooperation, all countries determine by their own legislation the participants and their tasks in disaster management. In our country the relating missions of Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) are defined in the Law Nr. 105, 2004 about home defence and HDF as a ”contribution to the approach of tasks concerning disaster management”. For the specification of the brief definition the Minister of Defence released a regulation about the administration and tasks of the branch of home defence concerning disaster management. This study intends to review shortly the possibilities of application of special engineering-technical devices and equipment, operational in Hungarian Defence Forces, in the field of disaster management