Values and Technological Development in the Hungarian Defense Forces

  • Tibor Benkő
Keywords: values in the armed forces, technological development, Zrínyi 2026


As a non-governmental organization, the Hungarian Association of Military Science is not a part of the Hungarian Defense Forces, yet the two are interconnected through their aims and activities. Scientific life is very important for the Hungarian Defense Forces, that is why I am delighted that the conference of the association was titled Human resources and challenges of technological development in the Armed Forces. Science and innovation are indispensable for national defense. In 2013 we created the HDF General Staff Scientific Research Center as a means to stir up the academic life of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Its main areas – among others – are the organization of academic work, research, and supporting the results. Keeping the aim of the conference in mind, I will speak about values in the armed forces, technological development, future perspectives and a few recent organizational changes.

Humánerőforrások és a technikai, technológiai fejlődés kihívásai a honvédségben