Courage and Distance

  • Mihály Boda
Keywords: military ethics, courage, drone


The virtues are the positively valuable character traits of the human personality. By the virtues human beings are disposed to behave ideally from the ethical point of view (or to attain ethical good), in some area of the human life. Military virtues have significance in relation to waging and winning wars. Courage, honor, and loyalty are some examples of the military virtues which had important role in the past. Although, contemporary phenomena of military life as humanitarian intervention, peacekeeping, contracting private military firms (mercenaries), and applying semi-automatic weapon systems, are showing that traditional military virtues are changing. Since in these military phenomena there is not much significance of courage (peacekeeping, applying semi-automatic weapon systems), or loyalty (humanitarian intervention, contracting private military firms). In my paper I focus on the specific question that whether somebody needs courage to control semi-automatic weapon systems?

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