Korunk változó hadviselésének hadelméleti alapja

  • Csaba Attila Bakos
Keywords: Clausewitz, national defence, unconventional


The National Military Strategy of Hungary does not or just slightly see the possibility that in the near future a traditional military conflict can occur, but does not exclude it entirely. As the development of science and technology accelerates many countries find it difficult to procure, field and constantly upgrade expensive military hardware. The examination of national defence in the view of global political, economic, and societal processes makes clear that maintaining the traditional approach to national defence exceeds the available resources many times. At the beginning of the 21st century a new approach is needed that enables a country to offset or at least decrease the enemy’s quantitative and / or qualitative superiority. An examination of the history of warfare makes clear that small countries waging other-than-traditional war can increasingly oppose a stronger enemy. This paper reveals the fundamental theoretical aspects of an entirely new approach to national defence based on research and analysis of earlier military theoretical insights published at the National University of Public Service and its predecessor.
