Analysis and evaluation of disaster management operations based on closed firefighting and technical rescue datasheets

  • József Zsolt Kersák Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Katonai Műszaki Doktori Iskola, doktorandusz, Siófoki Hivatásos Tűzoltó-parancsnokság parancsnokhelyettes
Keywords: disaster management operations, rescue, fire-protection, type of event, type of damage


A new understanding of disaster management operations to meet the challenges of the 21stcentury in terms of firefighting, industrial safety, and civil protection interventions. Conceptually, disaster management operations shall imply any activity carried out by the personnel of the disaster management body at the scene of the damage, with its regular equipment, equipment, and vehicles of
standby or standby nature. Following the damage, the event data will be recorded using an information technology system applied by disaster management.

National defence