Neutral Hollandia in the Great War

Keywords: The Netherlands, First World War, neutrality


The case of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, navigating on the stormy seas of the Great War, will be examined based on three aspects. One of them will the neutrality as a foreign policy trait that is followed by the state, the other is the economic situation of the Kingdom, and the third one being some characteristic features of the domestic policy circumstances. The Netherlands that declared neutrality, navigated very carefully among the rival powers, however, due to the fact that the economic and trade relations declined, the country’s opportunities narrowed as well. The study reviews the economic impacts, pointing out those sectors that realized war profits, and those as well that had to experience the disadvantages. Regarding the domestic political situation, as the third aspect, the consolidation and the new challenges are touched upon. In the end, the hardships of integrating into the post-war international system of the Netherlands will be introduced.

Military history