Transnational security challenges in the Western Balkans


In the Western Balkans, the security sector is now more consolidated, following two decades of transition. And security indicators have shifted towards what can be called transnational problems. While the overall figures show that the national security scores of the Western Balkan countries are barely below the European average, the cross-border challenges are outstanding in the region. In the post-2000 period, organised crime has focused on three main areas: drugs, arms and human trafficking in South Eastern Europe. Today, the Western Balkan region has become not only a transit route for organised crime but also a destination country. As well as for fighters returning from conflict zones, where regional economic problems do not allow for effective reintegration programmes, making their presence an increased challenge. The persistent ethnic tensions and high levels of corruption in the region are both a barrier and a negative contributor to these activities, although each of these poses serious human security risks.Keywords: Western Balkans, Balkan route, returning fighters, ethnic tensions, CMS

Author Biography

Rita Bihari, (National University of Public Service, Doctoral School of Military Sciences

PhD Student
