Israeli Responses to Today’s Cyber Defence and Cyber Warfare Challenges


When examining the security of a country, cyber security and cyber defence are indispensablefactors. The article reviews the emergence and change of the concept of cyber security andcyber defence in relation to the State of Israel and their impact on the national securityconcept of the Jewish State. It also analyses the related institutional structure, roles andchanged tasks of national security services. Overall, cyber strategy and operational taskexecution in cyberspace for Israel is similar to everything else there: they are chaotic but veryeffective at the same time. The way Israel has taken in the last decades in cyber defence andcyber warfare is exemplary and unrepeatable. The article would like to illustrate this path.

Author Biography

Dániel Rémai, National University of Public Service (NUPS) Department of Counterterrorism

National University of Public Service (NUPS)
Department of Counterterrorism, Student of the NUPS Doctoral School of Military Sciences

Security policy