The creation of the sancak of Kirka and its first bey
A succinct note from January 8, 1580 (İstanbul, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı, Kâmil Kepeci tasnifi 262, p. 26 or 28adódnak) contains information on the creation of a new sancak beyond the river Krka and in the Kotar and Krbava regions. As its first mirliva, Mehmed, the kapudan of the river Una is appointed with a modest sum of 200 000 akçe hases. His earlier career is difficult to detect; there are various possible “candidates”, none of them can uninterruptedly followed. Consequently, it is somewhat risky to vote for any of them. We have to wait until further decisive pieces of information come to light. However, the alternatives presented will be hopefully useful for the identification.