Unknown Exorcists

“In the name of Jesus”, or rather “all things are possible to him who believes”?

  • László Somogyi Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
Keywords: name of Jesus, exorcism, faith, healing


Starting from the story of the unknown exorcist, the study first interprets this activity of Jesus. It concludes that Jesus’ exorcisms are acts that were interpreted by his contemporaries in the credibility system of his time. The New Testament accounts of Jesus’ activities suggest that their primary purpose was not exorcism and healing, but the proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom of God. All his actions, which were understood as healing and exorcism, were based on his efforts to revive the faith of those in need and to encourage them to rely on this faith in God’s benevolent approach. This faith would be the guarantee of their healing. In contrast, the disciples of Jesus and the ’exorcists’ who did not join Jesus sought to use the name of Jesus as a magical tool to achieve success. But in doing so, they demonstrated that they had not understood the meaning of the gospel. This type of instrumental Christianity is still present in religious practice today, and puts those who claim to be followers of the Jesus of Nazareth at a crossroads.

Author Biography

László Somogyi, Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem

nyualmazott egyetemi docens - Budapest



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