Szalonkultúra, irodalomkritika és a vélemények fétiskaraktere a közösségi médiában

  • Havasréti József Pécsi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar Társadalom- és Médiatudományi Intézet Kommunikáció- és Médiatudományi Tanszék


József Havasréti
Salon Culture, Literary Criticism and the Fetishistic Character of Opinions on Social

The workings of the literary public sphere have changed due to the spread of social media. Most of the literary criticism voiced on social media arrives in the form of layman opinions and interpretations. This paper primarily analyses phenomena such as the intensifying visibility of reader reviews, the assembly of top lists and rankings, and online reading „challenges”. The popularity of the User Generated Content (UGC) found on social media (likes, shares, rankings, top lists, parodies, visual memes, etc.) parallels the global changes dominating web journalism. The boundary between layman and professional literary criticism, between tabloid and highbrow journalism is increasingly eroding.
