Hálózatelmélet és -elemzés az irodalomtörténeti kutatásokban

Publikációs térhez jutó értelmiségiek hálózata a régi magyarországi nyomtatványok alapján 1473–1600 között

  • Anita Markó ELTE BTK Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskola; Universität Wien Doktoratsstudium der Philosophie in Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften


Network Theory and Analysis in Literary Historical Research: The Network of Intellectuals with Access to Publishing Opportunities, as Seen in Old Hungarian Prints Between 1473 and 1600

In recent decades, the concept of networks has been used by several disciplines (from biology to social sciences and informatics) as an interpretive framework and descriptive model, and the study of literature was not far behind. The methods of network analysis provide an opportunity to map the relationships and loyalties of people working with literary and other texts, and to formulate a complex analysis of their activities as a system of cultural customs. In addition, the techniques of interdisciplinary analysis, description and visualization provided by network research form a promising (but carefully applicable) method and framework for interpreting and processing the relational systems among the intelligentsia in the given epoch. The aim of the paper is to outline what this interpretive framework means, what the relevant and applicable aspects of network science and analysis are for the research of humanities, and what examples of previous implementation can be found in internationa and Hungarian literary studies. At the end of the paper, I demonstrate that the method is applicable to a literary-historical corpus, by presenting a specific analysis – briefly summarizing the results of a multi-layered network analysis of relational system of individuals connected to old Hungarian publications printed between 1473 and 1600.
