A világirodalom kanonikussága és a nemzeti költők

  • Marko Juvan Szlovén Tudományos és Művészeti Akadémia, Ljubljanai Egyetem
  • Anna Szirák Debreceni Egyetem Irodalomtudományok Doktori Iskola


The Canonicity of World Literature and National Poets

In this excerpt Marko Juvan investigates the phenomenon of world literature in view of its canon-forming function in nineteenth-century European national movements. Highlighting the newly invented figure of the national poet as a key element in establishing national literatures, the argument demonstrates a mutuality between the universal aesthetic values of world literature and the striving for a unique, national literariness. In this process, minor and/or dominated nations tended to elevate the national poet to the position of a cultural saint in order to prove that the nation’s cultural output would meet the standards of the hyper-canonical space of world literature.
