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Goethe Weltliteraturja és a globalizáció (részlet)

  • Vladimir Biti Universität Wien, Jiao Tong Egyetem - Sanghaj
  • Noémi Szécsi


Who Worlds Literature? Goethe’s Weltliteratur and Globalization

In this excerpt Vladimir Biti claims that Goethe came to model his concept of Weltliteratur and its dialogic principle of “unity-in-diversity” on the diffuse, decentered and frustrated German national identity, still in the process of self-discovery at the time. Confronting the perceived backwardness of German literary culture, Goethe conceived world literature as a trauma narrative, thus made it open to further exclusions inevitable in any act of trauma redemption. Biti traces how Goethe turned his understanding of world literature from a tool of self-exemption to that of self-expansion, sliding from the emancipatory discourse of his Greek elitism to a Roman cosmopolitan imperialism by reinforcing the self-assertion of “agencies” at the expense of “enablers”.
