Világirodalom kötőjel nélkül

Az irodalmi rendszerek tipológiája felé

  • Alexander Beecroft Észak-Karolinai Egyetem
  • Brigitta Hudácskó Debreceni Egyetem Irodalomtudományok Doktori Iskola


World Literature without a Hyphen

In this article Alexander Beecroft analyses Immanuel Wallerstein’s world-systems theory as it has been applied in the examinations of world literature by Pascale Casanova and Franco Moretti. He highlights the fundamental assumptions underlying these approaches, that is, that their image of world-literature fails to stand for the entirety of the world’s literary output and only accounts for what is produced within the world-system of an axial division of labour. In order to replace this schema, Beecroft offers an alternative model in a typology of six ways in which literatures might relate to their political and economic environments.

Author Biography

Alexander Beecroft, Észak-Karolinai Egyetem
