Egy befejezetlen melodráma utóélete

Csáth Géza és Fodor Tamás Zách Klárája

  • Major Ágnes Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Irodalomtudományi Intézet


The Afterlife of an Unfinished Musical Play

Géza Csáth’s and Tamás Fodor’s Zách Klár

The Hungarian reader might associates the name of Klára Zách with János Arany’s ballad or perhaps with the Illuminated Chronicle [Képes Krónika]but not with Géza Csáth. There ar several reasons for this. The eponymous one-act musical play composed from ten scenes by Csáth has remained unpublished for decades. Although its libretto was discovered in the sixties and Zoltán Dér published it in the selected works of Csáth in 1977 (Ismeretlen házban), it has never been adapted to stage, because of a lack of musical parts. Because the unpublished play Zách Kláraremains one of Csáth’s lesser known works, it is surprising that the screenplay of Tamás Fodor’s 1996 reinterpretation was included in the collected theatrical works of Csáth, edited by Mihály Szajbély in the same year. Fodor’s Zách Klára is not a simple adaptation, as he adds several other texts of Csáth to the script of the play. In my paper I analyze how Fodor’s text transforms the original works of Csáth, and what kind of intertextual connections exists between the two works.

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