Application methods of elbow joint interposition arthroplasty

Our experience is 3 cases

  • Krisztian Cele Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital, Győr, Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery Department, Hungary
  • Miklós Farkasházi Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital, Győr, Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery Department, Hungary
  • Tibor Gunther Petz Aladár University Teaching Hospital, Győr, Traumatology, Orthopaedics and Hand Surgery Department, Hungary
Keywords: Arthritis, rheumatoid, Arthroplasty – Methods, Elbow joint – Surgery


The development of the methodology of interpositional arthroplasty for the elbow joint began in
the early 1900s. By the end of the century, with the development of technology and equipment, this
procedure was a viable alternative elbow replacement. The operation is mainly recommended for patients
with rheumatoid arthritis and in post-traumatic cases. The key steps of the procedure are to expose the
elbow joint, perform synovectomy and debridement and fix an interposition graft between the joint
surfaces. Initially, interposition was used after resection of the articular surfaces, which resulted in a high
degree of instability, so nowadays significant bone resection is not performed. Throughout history, the use
of several graft materials have been utilized to perfect the procedure: fascia, pig bladder, pig and human
skin, bovine collagen membrane or even dura mater. Today the goal of surgery is to reduce the patient’s
pain level and to improve their quality of life by restoring function without creating instability. Below, the
authors describe their experience in performing the above surgical technique through two patients with
rheumatoid arthritis and another with a post-traumatic case.


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Case reports