Nyelvi érintkezések az Érmellék területén a víznevek tükrében

  • Magdaléna Kiss
Kulcsszavak: víznevek, Érmellék, román–magyar nyelvi kontaktusok, történeti helynévkutatás


Language contact in the region known as Érmellék  


The paper presents, according to linguistic strata, the hydronyms of Ér (‘brook’) and its branches, streams forming part of the northern drainage area of the Körös region. Data of Hungarian and foreign names are arranged in chronological order, because the changes of hydronyms have been affected not only by natural, but also by historical forces as well as by social and ethnic contacts. The change and alternation of these factors in time led to an interesting and varied picture. After briefly presenting the river Ér and its region, the author also quotes the settlement names of the area, for two reasons: on the one hand, these names offer considerable help in identifying the ethnic composition of the territory, and with the help of them we can get an insight into who lives or lived in the area; on the other hand, based on the well-known connections between hydronyms and settlement names, we can deduce conclusions about the primacy of a language in the region as well as on the shaping force of demographic index on hydronyms.

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