A török hódoltság nyomai Törökkoppány földrajzi neveiben

  • József Szabó
Kulcsszavak: mikrotoponimák, néprajz, oszmán-török, Somogy megye, Tabán


Traces of the former Turkish occupation in the geographical names of Törökkoppány

This paper presents the Turkish-related geographical names of Törökkoppány. Törökkoppány is a village in the Northeastern part of Somogy county, which used to be a centre of a sanjak under the Turkish rule. With its border fortress strengthened by the Turks the village played an important strategic role. Many still existing geographical names of the settlement (cf. Törökkoppány data in the volume “Somogy megye földrajzi nevei” [Geographical Names of Somogy County]) were born in this era. Some of these names evoke a tradition or a legend in connection with the Turkish rule. The number of place names of Osmanli origin, compared to the quantity of Turkish-related geographical names in other territories once occupied, is relatively large, which also proves the contemporary importance of Törökkoppány.

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