Dance and Education publishes studies on the interdisciplinary fields of dance and social sciences - with particular emphasis on dance education and psychological approaches. The diamant open access journal uses double blind review. It is published twice a year in both online and print format and in both English and Hungarian.
Editor in Chief:
Dr. Anita Lanszki PhD
Ediorial Board:
Dr. Vera Amorim PhD
Dr. Réka Asztalos PhD
Dr. Brigitta Balogh PhD
Prof. Dr. Gábor Bolvári-Takács PhD
Dr. Júlia Eck PhD
Dr. Márk Gara
Dr. Ildikó Sándor PhD
Dr. Dorina Szente PhD
Dr. Ágota Tongori PhD
Advisory Board:
Prof. Dr. Jenő Bárdos DSc
Prof. Dr. Valéria Csépe DSc, Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. Pál Hamar DSc
Prof. Dr. András Németh DSc
Prof. Dr. Gabriella Pusztai DSc
Prof. Dr. Johanna Hopfner DSc, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz
Dr. Habil. Tomáš Kasper PhD, Technická Univerzita v Liberci
Prof. Dr. Christine Mayer DSc, Universität Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Simonetta Polenghi DSc, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano
Prof. Dr. Ehrenhard Skiera DSc, Europa-Universität Flensburg
Krisztián Kánvási
Editorial Contacts:
Hungarian Dance University, Department for Pedagogy and Psychology, H-1145 Budapest, Columbus u. 87–89.
D / Room 225, Telefon: +36 1 273 3453
Hungarian Dance University
H-1145 Budapest, Columbus u. 87–89.
The rector of the Hungarian Dance University is responsible for the publication.