A katasztrófavédelem ügyeleti szolgálata, akik a segélyhívószámot fogadják

Kulcsszavak: ügyeleti szolgálat, 112-es segélyhívószám, kompetenciák


This article is about the staff of the disaster management duty service, the professionals who answer the 112 emergency numbers received by the Call Reception Centre and forward them to the county directorates of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management in case of disaster. Following an introduction to their position within the organisation, I will describe the legislation that governs their tasks and then highlight the importance of the work they do. The duty service has a key role to play in ensuring timely interventions, which require responsible and immediate decisions, and for which adequate preparation and continuous training are essential to prevent stress and burn-out among staff members performing this complex task.


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Hogyan kell idézni
BaloghM. (2023). A katasztrófavédelem ügyeleti szolgálata, akik a segélyhívószámot fogadják. Védelem Tudomány a Katasztrófavédelem Online Szakmai, tudományos folyóirata, 8(2), 147-157. Elérés forrás https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13518
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