Report: THE HEALTH OF HUNGARIANS DESERVES MORE! Position of the Hungarian Medical Chamber

  • József Vitrai Széchenyi István University Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Győr, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group, Szeged, Hungary
Keywords: healthcare, health literacy, lifestyle, financing


The law on professional chambers in the health sector stipulates that the Hungarian Medical Chamber should contribute to the shaping of health policy and other decisions affecting health care, as well as to the improvement of health care for the population, to the extent of its social weight and intellectual capital. With this in mind, the Hungarian Medical Chamber launched a social campaign in February. The campaign is independent of any political party or organisation and has the broad mandate of the Hungarian medical community.

The campaign aims to promote public interest, to raise health awareness among citizens, to support the importance of the health system and the development of a robust public health system. The campaign is based solely on official data publicly available in the databases of the National Statistical Institutes of Health (NHS), Eurostat and the OECD.

The campaign website features a short general introduction and seven animated videos outlining the Hungarian Medical Chamber's views on the problems of the Hungarian health care system and the solutions proposed. Each video is accompanied by a textual explanation. Below are summaries of each point.


Magyar Orvosi Kamara. (2025) A magyarok egészsége többet érdemel. Adatokon alapuló kampány, mely minden politikai párttól és szervezettől független. Magyar Orvosi Kamara

How to Cite
VitraiJ. (2025). Report: THE HEALTH OF HUNGARIANS DESERVES MORE! Position of the Hungarian Medical Chamber. Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing, 3(1), 70-77.
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