Contributions to the taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Dichagyris (subg. Dichagyris) Lederer, 1867 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae)
The taxonomically important characters and subgeneric subdivision of Dichagyris are presented with several historical and nomenclatural considerations. Subdivision of D. vallesiaca is revised based on the type material of the known subspecies. The D. psammochroa group is revised, with description of a new species, D. kurbatskyi from Kazakhstan, and one new subspecies, D. psammochroa kopetdaghimena from the Kopet-Dagh massif. The D. taftana group is revised, with the description of a new species (D. guentereberti from Afghanistan) and two new subspecies (D. taftana elborsasta and D. taftana safavida, from different areas of Iran). The eastern sister species of D. humilis, D. hypotacta from Afghanistan and Pakistan, is described. Major phylogenetic clades of Dichagyris s. str. are associated to western Palaearctic and/or Central Asiatic mountainous regions. Core areas of allopatric speciation of Dichagyris s. str. are discussed with taxonomic considerations and outlook on the subgenera Yigoga and Albocosta, as well.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Zoltán Varga, Gábor Ronkay, László Ronkay

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