Az asszonyok megjelölésére szolgáló névformák és a névhasználat a 17–18. században

  • Erzsébet Fercsik


Name-forms referring to married women and their usein the 17th–18th centuries

The paper presents the frequent name-forms used to refer to married women in the 17th–18th centuries. The aspect given primacy in the analysis is to examine the structure of these names focusing on the presence or absence of the three main name-components: the full name of the husband, the full maiden name of the woman and an expression referring to the state of being married. The study also discusses the words asszony 'married woman', özvegy 'widow' and other "accessories" occurring in name-forms referring to married women. To illustrate the inter-dependence of name structures and communicational situations the author quotes some examples of so-called "mentioning names" together with self-referring names. On the basis of her analysis the author assigns some tasks of pragmatic research to names of married women.

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