Dancers’ Body: the Examination of Health, Body Satisfaction, Body Attitudes, Eating Attitudes, and Self-esteem among Dancers
Objective: to conduct research on health state, body satisfaction, eating disorders
(EDs), body investments, and self-esteem among adult dancers.
Methods: General Health Questionnaire, WHO Well-Being Index, Body Satisfaction Scale, Human Figure Drawing Test, Body Investment Scale, Eating Attitudes Test, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale.
Results: 45.8% of female and 21.2% of male dancers have significant symptoms/ diseases. 7.4% of females are underweight, besides 5.9% of females and 15.6% of males are overweight. 11.6% of females are at risk for EDs. Ballroom dancers are the most dissatisfied with their body and weight, and they are the most symptomatic concerning EDs. Modern dancers are the most protected regarding body-related extremes. Female dancers under 20 have stricter body evaluation, less body protection, more bulimic symptoms, and less self-esteem.
Conclusions: An intervention programme should be implemented in dance education that provides both theoretical and practical knowledge with the participation of experts in the field of health, education, and child care as well. This may help dancers to improve health, endurance, body image, and self-esteem. The prevention of EDs must be a priority in this initiative.
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