Drama Games in Folk Dance Education

  • Zsófia Csík Kecskemét Folk Dance Ensemble
  • Júlia Eck Hungarian Dance University, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Toldy Ferenc Secondary School
Keywords: drama-based pedagogy, drama activities, folk dance class, collection of drama games, methodological recommendation


This paper examines the effects of drama games on successful competency development in teaching and education, specifically within folk dance education. We also present the results of data drawn from two non-representative pieces of research done among educators (n=30) and students (depending on game n=19–39) regarding the effective use of structured drama activities in the folk dance classroom to strengthen group cohesion or trust between students. Finally, as a methodological recommendation, we introduce a collection of drama games and possibilities for their integration into folk dance education, with suggested variations presented according to the six age groups defined for the 12 grades of public education in Hungary. This paper aims to raise awareness of the possibilities and usefulness of integrating drama activities into folk dance education.
