Presentation of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network
In 2019, the concept of an EU Civil Protection Knowledge Network was first introduced during the revision of the UCPM legislation, with the intention of increasing the EU's overall disaster management capability and capacity. As the European Commission is constantly seeking to make the most efficient use of the budget for disaster prevention, preparedness, response and recovery activities, it saw the need to "centralise" existing programmes and build on them in the future. After nearly two years of consultations and negotiations, the mandate and organisational structure of the Knowledge Network were approved in November 2021 and the platform was officially inaugurated on 7 December 2021 by Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, and officially launched. With its prominent role and its planned future activities, it is now an indispensable player in joint EU disaster response activities.
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"Capacity Development," European Civil Protection Knowledge Network. [Online]. Elérhetőség:
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"UCPKN Strategic Plan 2022-2026," European Civil Protection Knowledge Network. [Online]. Elérhetőség: Strategic-Plan-2022-2026.pdf
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