Efficient usage of hybrid hose packs in interior firefighting

  • Péter Tomka
Keywords: interior firefighting, hose line management, hose packs


In order to mitigate fire damage it is of utmost importance to start the extinguishing of fires as soon as possible. In the process of preparing hose lines significant time can be saved by changing the methods of laying them. In this article the author examines, how this can be achieved with the use of fire hose packs. The author examines the requirements of hose line preparation by processing scientific literature and his own firefighting experience. He presents different, already used and a new, self-developed hose pack, their possible uses in the Hungarian fire service and eventually examines their use in practical experiments. By comparing the current, standard Hungarian hose line preparation methods to the use of hose packs in multiple scenarios, it can be determined that the latter are faster, more efficient and are less prone to errors even when using only half the manpower.


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How to Cite
TomkaP. (2023). Efficient usage of hybrid hose packs in interior firefighting. Defence Science, 8(3), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.61790/vt.2023.12915