Improvement of liquidation of damage incidents related to areas, buildings and vehicles under diplomatic protection Part II
In the previous part of my thesis, I presented the system of diplomatic protection, the difficulties affecting the interveners, and the legal cases allowing entry. In the second half of my study, using the mentioned knowledge material, I make suggestions for the treatment of the types of damage that occur. In addition to analyzing the characteristics of interventions related to areas, buildings and vehicles under diplomatic protection, I also present customs and organizations that occur abroad. I make innovative proposals to simplify both the alarm and the settlement of claims. These include a map of the buildings under diplomatic protection on the alert sheet, the creation and placement of a bilingual form for emergency supplies, and the use of the help of the KKM Central Office and professional interpreters. In my thesis, I used my own and my colleagues' personal experiences, and I tried to ensure that my proposals could be easily integrated into the domestic firefighting and technical rescue regulations.
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