Research of tankfire-fighting application of the oil and water resistant, bead shaped, fireproof buoyant dry foam
Tankfire-fighting is a special response task, which nowadays is primarily based on the application of fire fighting foam. On most incident sites holding back the contaminated extinguishing water, and monitoring, controlling and checking of proper diversion as well as its decontamination are not ensured; therefore, there is no guarantee for preventing soil and groundwater pollution. Besides the research in connection with the optimized usage of traditional extinguishing agents
at tank-firefighting a new development direction appeared in the past few years: the usage of fireproof, oil and water resistant, bead-shaped and buoyant material for fire fighting.In this article the author summarizes the test serial that was performed by applying the DryFoam, which has been developed by Trelleborg Offshore Co., based in Boston. The empirical research of DryFoam application for extinguishing fires on storage tanks containing flammable liquids is not only giving basic information on the usage of DryFoam but on the development of other materials with similar properties as well.
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