Examining phase transitions in order to increase the safety of firefighter interventions

Keywords: dangerous goods, firefighter intervention, phase changes, safety


Introduction: Because of technological development higher volume of dangerous materials are in our environment. Against keeping safety rules of transportation accidents can be occurred. In these cases the damaged containers holding dangerous materials usually have to be emptied. During decantation, the temperature and pressure of the dangerous material may change, and with certain materials it might lead to phase change, which can have an influence
on intervention tactics. Methods: The paper examines two materials in a hypothetical accident. The author starts with an overview of their characteristics, then analyses phase diagrams by applying the right laws of physics and chemistry and examines energy transfer during phase changes. Results: Phase changes have a significant impact on the tactics of the intervention, even in the course of it, so they are worth considering. Dangerous material spills caused by damaged containers may require spread modelling. There is a substantial difference between the levels of risk posed by moving empty and full containers.


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How to Cite
BogacskóB. (2023). Examining phase transitions in order to increase the safety of firefighter interventions. Defence Science, 1(2), 461-471. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13003