Fire extinguishing of grain fires
Most of the territories of Hungary are suitable for growing grain, thanks to its geographical location and climatic conditions. Most of the fires affecting agricultural areas occurs during the summer, which are a serious challenge for the intervened organizations. Meteorological extremities are already observable as consequences of global climate change in the last decade even in our country, such as the decreasing amount of precipitation, higher average temperatures or winters without snow. All of these have led to increase the number of fires occurred in rural areas in Hungary. Almost 90% of fires are caused by human activity and the remaining percentages are caused by weather phenomena such as lightning bolts. Like in case of other emergency problems, accurate prevention would be the most effective way to fight against fires, but it is required to prepare for proper extinguishment of agricultural fires and
the treatment of the caused environmental damages. The chosen topic deals with relevant and current issues, because it is an important task to eliminate the consequences caused by fire on agricultural cultivation areas and it is necessary to increase the efficiency of activities intended for the interventions.
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