Psychology at the fire front

Keywords: firefighting, human behaviour, unusual human behaviour


In many cases the firefighters face to that, behaviour of the people affected by the accident is different than as usual in the everyday life. One part, it is natural phenomenon, other hand it can mean obviously both hazards and risk for the affected people. Of course, the converse can also be right: its changed behaviour is not visible externally, although actually this may mean that he is in trouble. The author wishes to point out these anomalies in this article. Methods: Relevant literatures were studied, but the author built mainly on his own firefighting practice, as well as teaching experience acquired during his carrier. Results: author detailed some unusual behaviour of the affected people in case of emergency and gave a systematic way of summary. Moreover some simple procedures were written what is usually used during practice. Author wishes with this article to make firefighters' work higher effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Dr. Restás Ágoston. (2023). Psychology at the fire front. Defence Science, 1(3), 46-56. Retrieved from