Analysis of public confidence issues connected to post-flood-disaster-reconstruction: case study from Bereg and Sajó-valley

Keywords: post-disaster reconstruction, rebuilding, confidence, correlational analysis


During the procedure of post-disaster reconstruction and recovery the public sense of security and the public confidence related to the work of delegated associations, institutes and communities have an important role in the confirmation (especially qualitative) of the service of public and civil sectors. The aim of this paper is to introduce the results of a questionnaire survey related to public confidence considering confidence levels and the rate of implication in post-disaster-reconstruction and to evaluate the relationship between the two mentioned variables using the experience of post-flood-disaster-reconstruction (reconstruction and rebuilt) fulfilled after the flood in Bereg (2001) and the flood of Sajó (2010). his work is related to my PhD research - examining and evaluation the methodological issues of postdisaster- reconstruction in the case of private properties. The results of the analysis indicates there is connection between the formation of public confidence levels and the rate of implication in post-disaster-reconstruction in the case of most institutes and communities that are involved in post-disaster-reconstruction.


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How to Cite
KissA. (2023). Analysis of public confidence issues connected to post-flood-disaster-reconstruction: case study from Bereg and Sajó-valley. Defence Science, 1(4), 206-227. Retrieved from