First aid on the scene - conclusions drawn from the first year of disaster medic training at firefighters

Keywords: disaster management, disaster scene, first aid, disaster medic


The demand for disaster medicine and first aid is constantly increasing, as this first line treatment may significantly determine short and long term patient outcome. Although its importance is unquestionable, one may lack the equipment, profession and experience needed during casualty transport and treatment. Realising this professional gap the Hungarian Ministry of Interior National Directorate General for Disaster Management and the University of Pécs, Department of Operational Medicine decided to train specialists who are well educated on both mentioned professions. We expect that by training such individuals we increase our ability to manage special disaster related scenes.


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Rendőrség: Letöltés ideje: 2016.11.19.

MH Egészségügyi Központ: Letöltés ideje: 2016.11.19.

How to Cite
Keresztes D., WothG., NagyB. J., FarkasJ., NémethZ., Maróti P., RendnekiM., & RendnekiS. (2023). First aid on the scene - conclusions drawn from the first year of disaster medic training at firefighters. Defence Science, 2(1), 204-216. Retrieved from