Possibilities of using drones in disaster management, with particular regard to fire prevention and damage control

  • László Egyed
Keywords: drone, fire prevention, industrial safety, civil protection, fire fighting, data collection, rules of use, directions of developement


One of the most important technological achievements of our time includes drones, as they are commonly called, by using which we save a lot of time, money and energy while also protecting our environment. Their use can be a wide-ranging solution nowadays in the field of research into climate change, urbanization and infrastructural changes, as well as during the tasks of law enforcement organizations. In addition to business and private use, all public service, national defense and law enforcement organizations are looking for and researching the wide range of possibilities for the utilization of fixed and rotary-wing drones. In light of this, their widespread use is inevitable in Hungary in disaster prevention and its specialized areas. Its acceptance does not require a paradigm shift, since the UAS "Unmanned Aircraft System" is already here in our everyday life, it has become accessible.


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How to Cite
EgyedL. (2023). Possibilities of using drones in disaster management, with particular regard to fire prevention and damage control. Defence Science, 8(3), 124-143. https://doi.org/10.61790/vt.2023.13092