Case study of managing drought disaster - perceptions, responses and views on drought impact amongst land reform beneficiaries in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Keywords: drought, vulnerability, land reform farmers, recapitalisation, drought impact mitigation


The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR)’s land distribution programme seeks to provide the poor and the previously disadvantaged population with land to improve their livelihoods, and also use the land for establishing farming enterprises, this endeavour has consequently led to the realisation of Land Reform beneficiaries. These beneficiaries are faced with various trade-offs and constraints as drought exposes them greater risk and renders some of their current practices unworkable. Method: The Participatory Learning Approach (PLA) method was used to assess land reform beneficiary’s perceptions, responses and views on the local impact of drought in Joe Gqabi district. Results: drought significantly affect the beneficiaries’ livelihoods and changes in the local climate has compelled most of them to implement a variety of coping strategies in order to withstand the impact of drought.


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How to Cite
ShwababaS., JordaanA., & Restás Ágoston. (2023). Case study of managing drought disaster - perceptions, responses and views on drought impact amongst land reform beneficiaries in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Defence Science, 2(2), 166-179. Retrieved from