Effects of household electrical wires and its connection on fire hazard

Keywords: fire hazard, wiring, wiring connections, fixtures, warming


Introduction: The authors try to point out how malfunctioning electrical networks can cause fire in residential buildings. The thesis aims to model dangerous situations and threats that often result fire hazards, by using laboratory measurements. The laboratory measurements indicate which connections are most appropriate for fire protection purposes. The various types of connections were subjected to different electrical loads, then they were tested for
their warmth, melting the insulating material of the wires. Methods: The article was facilitated by the detailed study and analysis of the relevant domestic and international literature. In addition, the authors conducted different tests and measurements to analyse the problem. Result: As a result of the paper it is also shown, which is the safest connection to connect - old and new – wire network.


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How to Cite
TörökA., & KerekesZ. (2023). Effects of household electrical wires and its connection on fire hazard. Defence Science, 2(3), 53-65. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13131