Basics of Paks nuclear power plant nuclear accident preparedness

Keywords: nuclear accident troubleshooting, action plan, accident troubleshooting organisation, nuclear facility, emergency management


Nuclear facilities must have a Nuclear Emergency Response Action Plan. This plan should be in harmony with the domestic legal framework and international recommendations. This plan must contain the number and type of staff, facilities, equipment what have to be able to prevent the potential accident or at least mitigate its consequences. Continuous education, Védelem Tudomány – II. évfolyam 4. szám, 2017. 12. hó 93 training and information are an essential part of this. The basic criterias will be explained in the followings in more details.


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Manga L., Kátai-Urbán L., Vass Gy.: A paksi atomerőmű nukleárisbaleset-elhárítási rendszerének sugárvédelmi célú értékelése. manga.pdf (letöltés ideje: 2017.12.10.)

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How to Cite
MangaL., & Kátai-UrbánL. (2023). Basics of Paks nuclear power plant nuclear accident preparedness . Defence Science, 2(4), 92-106. Retrieved from