Summary of the experiences of fire investigation procedures in 2017, with evaluation of engineering - and crime-based methods

Keywords: fire investigation, engineering methods, complex fire protection


The fire investigation creates one of the pillar of fire protection next to fire prevention and fire fighting intervention. The fire investigation procedure is inseparably part of the complex fire protection, which, like the international scene, based on laws. In our country the order of fire investigation is governed by the BM decree based on the law of fire protection. Since the entry of the regulation of certain procedural issues related to the fire investigation (56/2016 BM OKF Director-General's Action) passed nearly a year. This passed period justifies the scientific analysis of the work of the fire investigation field, and the summary of the experiences. In addition to the decisive legal environment, the engineering and criminological
methods of fire investigation procedures identify the contemporary development direction of the profession. For scientifically well-established professional development, we have examined and evaluated the experiences of fire investigation practices in 2017.


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How to Cite
Érces G., & BércziL. (2023). Summary of the experiences of fire investigation procedures in 2017, with evaluation of engineering - and crime-based methods. Defence Science, 3(1), 1-19. Retrieved from