Evaluation of experiences related to the authority supervision of road transportation of hazardous materials following the change of the legal framework

Keywords: disaster management, industrial safety, road transport of dangerous goods, sanctioning


Since 2012, after the reformation of the disaster management system, the control of the dangerous goods transportation got bigger highlighted role. Due to the development of the equipment system and the control personnel experiences increased the efficiency and professionalism of the inspections. In 2016 the legal regulation in force dealing with the sanctioning of irregularities has changed. Consequently, the applied authority fines also significantly changed. The aim of this article to review of the effects of modified legal regulations, furthermore evaluation of the experiences so far gained and introduce the results.


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How to Cite
BaloghR., KozmaS., & VassG. (2023). Evaluation of experiences related to the authority supervision of road transportation of hazardous materials following the change of the legal framework. Defence Science, 3(3), 100-111. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13283