The complex incident prevention and management system of Magyar Posta Zrt. (Hungarian Post LTD.) related to postal items suspected to contain hazardous materials

Keywords: hazardous materials, post, rules of procedure, mail bomb, GTC, suspected containing hazardous materials


These days, unexpected events can take place anywhere and at any time, causing loss of life and destruction of property. In our fast-pace environment, hazardous materials are everywhere. Based on that fact, their appearance in the mailflow handled by Magyar Posta as a universal service provider is natural. Problems only occur when such hazardous material appears without compliance to relevant regulations (e.g. without proper documentation, packaging and labels etc.).
This article discusses the issues related to handling mail items containing or suspected to contain hazardous materials. Items excluded from postal services are discussed only insofar as they pose a threat to their environment.
The article focuses on how to prevent hazardous materials from entering postal operational processes and if it has already happened, what kind of processes should be put into effect in order to ensure efficient damage control.


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How to Cite
KárolyiL., & JanikZ. (2023). The complex incident prevention and management system of Magyar Posta Zrt. (Hungarian Post LTD.) related to postal items suspected to contain hazardous materials. Defence Science, 3(3), 133-153. Retrieved from