The modelling and thermal behaviour of hollowcore slab under fire conditions

Keywords: fire, hollowcore slabs, real structure element test, numerical analysis


The hollowcore slabs are popular structural elements, since they are high capacity elements with small structural weight. However due to the hollows in them, they behave differently in a case of fire than the conventional slabs, so it is of great importance to observe their fire behaviour. Due to the hollows, these slabs warm up faster and therefore their failure is also faster than conventional slabs. In our article, we show the behaviour of hollowcore slabs under fire conditions by laboratory tests and numerical analysis.


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How to Cite
Lublóy Éva, HlavičkaV., NagyB., & BalázsL. G. (2023). The modelling and thermal behaviour of hollowcore slab under fire conditions. Defence Science, 3(4), 52-72. Retrieved from