Risk management of hazardous activities in the Czech Republic

Keywords: Czech Republic, hazardous activity, risk analysis methods, risk management


The article deals with the application of risk analysis methods and applied risk management procedures in the Czech Republic. The first part of the paper describes the procedure and results of the threat analysis carried out for the Czech Republic in 2016. The threat analysis identified 22 risks, 10 of which were technogenic anthropogenic. These risks are related to hazardous human activities. Sources of the risk, used methods of risk analysis as well as the assessment procedure, if implemented, were stated for each unacceptable technogenic risk. The paper points out the defects which were identified within the application of risk management. The results of the article show the necessity of the application of risk management for the needs of hazardous activities management.


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How to Cite
OulehlováA. (2023). Risk management of hazardous activities in the Czech Republic. Defence Science, 4(1), 1-28. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13301